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The Pandemic 2020, however, was a disguise but created the opportunity for many flourishing technologies, such as a remote online exam and an e-proctor-based examination. This technology brought a new dynamic to the school, college, and university exams, as well as to high-stakes entrance exams. BlinkExam is one such platform that helps cater to advanced solutions.  

From students to teachers, switching to remote online exams has become important for those who want flexibility of time and more transparency in exam conduct. Let’s see some important points you should pay attention to while choosing software for a remote online exam.

Factors You Should Consider Before Looking For Remote Online Exam Software?

  1. Understand your needs

The first and foremost thing that is needed while choosing any software for a remote online exam is understanding the needs. By needs, we mean if you need the remote online exam software for a university, school, or any high-stakes exam. This will define your next step, i.e., the level of customisation you would need. This is to note that the more the precision, the more the cost may be affected. 

  1. Scalability

The second thing that you should focus on is scalability. It is thus important to understand the scale of the audience, and the type of exam you are looking for. For example, if the platform is a school then the targetted audience would be less in comparison to the high-stakes exams like SSC, UPSC, JEE, NEET etc. where lakhs of students are stakeholders. The two main factors that come under scalability are-

  •   Features

Look for the basic and advanced features that the platform is providing and what is needed as per your requirement. Let’s say for an objective question-based remote online exam there is no need for the subjective question module. 

  •   Customisation

Another thing that is important in scalability is the degree of customisation. Always look for a flexible platform that is capable of adjusting according to upcoming modern technologies. This includes customisation of UI/UX, backend modules addition and new advanced features according to the education sector’s needs.

  1. Security

After so many cases of exam cheating and leaking of exams, the security of online exam software has become a serious concern among the education department. The reason being —the stakes are very high i.e the future of candidates. Thus, security is one of the most important factors that you should look at. BlinkExam is mastering this feature with its most advanced technology and strong backend support system. Its e-proctor-controlling system is very sound and robust in that it can detect even very slightest movements, facial expressions, and a 360-degree view of the room or the remote examination centre. It also detects if the candidate has opened any other tab than the exam portal. 

Apart from this, it also works on a prior check and measures that are required in conducting a remote online exam. Such as image detection of candidates, and scrutiny of the room/ premises where the exam is going to be conducted.

  1. Performance

A well-structured software is also judged based on performance. The importance of this platform becomes more necessary in remote online exams. The platform must be technically sound, easy to understand for a lame user and must have a great load capacity. 

  •    Technical Robustness

The software platform must be technically sound so that the candidates do need not to look for any external help while using the platform. Many advanced platforms provide live chat mechanisms with the technical person who can resolve live technical issues.

  •    Load Capacity

In the case of high-stakes exams, many software can crash down due to the number of candidates taking exams simultaneously. This may hamper the flow of exams. Thus the software must be capable of high load capacity. 

The performance of the software is judged after the exam is complete and is in the analysis and report generation phase. Some criteria are speed report generation, creating clear and precise copy, the accuracy of reports, ease of storing data and hassle-free of handling invigilators.

  1. Training and Audit

Last but not least, to understand any software i.e its technical requirements, its user interface needs, familiarity with the user interface, and sample test cases for user interface are some parts of training of software so that the candidates and the invigilators can work smoothly on the platform. 

Auditing is another important point to look at while selecting a remote online exam software. A timely auditing service is needed in any technology. In an audit, various factors are checked such as – whether the software can support new and upcoming operating systems, protect from any malware, create new and updated versions, need any advanced features and lots more.


In the age of digitisation, where people are exploring every possible dimension of technology, examination processes have also evolved. A remote online exam is such an advancement in the ed-tech world that it is paving the way to provide fair chances for every candidate. In this way, the face of conducting exams is getting better day by day. Candidates from even remote locations can become part of a fair education process. Invigilation is more precise and can be done remotely, thereby also promoting the work-life balance to invigilators. Following these major checks you can easily get a dependable platform for the fast-changing needs of the ed-tech world and so is the need for an online examination system.


Q1. How does remote online exam software prevent cheating? 
Ans. Robust software platforms like BlinkExam are equipped with an e-proctor or e-invigilator that helps in preventing any cheating.

Q2. Can we give an online exam at home?
Ans. Yes, platforms like BlinkExam provide advanced solutions, such as e-proctoring for remote online exams.

Q3. Can the e-proctor see your phone?
Ans. To your surprise, BlinkExam is equipped with an advanced e-proctoring mechanism that can sense your face, detect even slight voices as the flipping of the page, your eye movement, etc.

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