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Imporatant Features: Question Bank

Structure of the Question Bank

Features: Question Bank

Question Types

We offer the following 10 question types

Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice

Presents a question with several possible answers, marked A, B, C, D, etc., from which the respondent must select the correct one. Our platform supports up to 8 options, providing flexibility in question design.

Passage/Essay Type
Passage/Essay Type

Provides a text passage or essay prompt followed by questions that assess comprehension or analysis of the content.


Requires a detailed, open-ended response that allows respondents to express their understanding in their own words.

Multiple Response
Single Choice

It uses objective questions with multiple options. Candidates can choose the right one from the given options.


Asks respondents to determine whether a given statement is accurate or not.

Fill in the Blanks
Fill in the Blanks

Presents a sentence or paragraph with missing words or phrases that respondents must complete.

File Upload
File Upload

Requires respondents to upload a file as part of their answer, suitable for complex tasks like programming or detailed projects.

Single Digit
Single Digit

Requires a single numeric digit as the answer, useful for questions needing precise numerical responses.

File Upload
Match the following

Requires you to pair up items from two lists. You need to connect the related items on the left with the items on the right.

Image and Formula-Based Questions

Image and Formula Based Question

JEE Advance & Government Exam Standards

Jee Advanced Exam Template

Grading Methods

Grading Method : BlinkExam